Why The Fitness Trainer Academy
No matter if your a fitness veteran for never set foot in a gym, THE NASM CPT EXAM IS HARD! The national average passing rate is only about 64% on first attempt. Many of these people study for 4-6 months before taking the exam.
The questions that determine a pass or fail are probably not what you think. Most people get the general fitness and nutrition questions right. It’s when the exam asks NASM specific questions is when people get in trouble. The body’s anatomy doesn’t change, neither does its nutritional needs from ACE, to NCSF to any other certification. What does change is each certifications approach to training the body and the mind. NASM has a very specific approach to each of these. Knowing general information when attempting this exam won’t cut it. The Fitness Trainer Academy prepares you specifically for the NASM exam.
Highly Qualified And Experienced Tutors
Our tutors are NASM Certified trainers that keep up with NASM updates so the information we are relaying are relevant and correct. All of our tutors also have 10 + years of experience in the fitness industry. This experience ranging from being a gym owners, fitness managers, wellness program coordinators, full time trainers and more. The experience of our tutors is the real value of their tutoring and mentorship. Students learn from someone that has been where they are looking to go.
Cost of Tutoring
The Fitness Trainer Academy tutoring program is for those serious about passing their NASM CPT and earning their certification quickly. We provide an immersive tutoring plan that aims to have students from ground level to exam ready in 8 weeks or less. Some may only need a couple weeks to sharpen their knowledge base, but that will be assessed during our initial evaluation.
Initial Evaluation
- Initial evaluation questionnaire and recommendations for tutoring term
- 2 Calls/week
- (1) Current weeks assignments (early week)
- (2) Review/feed back of assignments & Questions about Readings
- Email messaging during the week
- Practice Exam